Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Tonight, I had dinne with Dan, his dad (and his dad's girlfriend) and a random cousin of his at Edelweiss, a delicious German restaurant here in Colorado Springs. It was a good meal, and I am so ready for bed now. I'm used to sitting at home most evenings, so being out three weeknights in a row this week is definitely taking its toll on this early-riser. It's crazy waking up before 6:00am, and it's not something I enjoy. Will I ever get used to it? Who knows? I can't imagine ever being okay with waking up so early.

Recently, I was thinking about waking up earlier than normal to work out BEFORE work instead of dreading it all day while at work, but I just don't think I can drag my sleepy butt out of that warm, comfy bed at 5:00. No way.

I think it's time to go snuggle up with my kitties and read for a bit. Tomorrow begins the hectic weekend that is Parents' Weekend at the Air Force Academy. I am still working on Friday, and that makes things even MORE hectic than normal. Oh well; I'll make it through and sleep really well on Monday! :)

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