Saturday, February 11, 2012

Productive Day

This morning, my alarm went off around 6:50, and I panicked for just a moment before realizing that yes, it is Saturday, and no, I do not have to go to work. The alarm was for Dan so he would have plenty of time to shower, eat breakfast, get into his giant onesie (aka flight suit) before getting to the Academy's airfield by 8:00 for Flying Team practice. I was so relived that I got to go back to sleep. He left, and I slept until 10:20, which was fabulous. I feel much better after that.

When I did get up, though, I made a to-do list for myself so I could get through everything I needed to today. I always feel more productive when I can cross items off of a list, so that's what I did. I took a shower and cleaned my sinuses because I had a pretty bad headache. Then, I picked up around my room, started a load of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, re-loaded the dishwasher with dirty dishes, started it, cleaned and sanitized the countertops, cleaned my engagement ring and my ruby/diamond necklace from Dan in a cleaning solution (I clean my ring once a week, but the necklace hadn't been cleaned in almost two years, so it REALLY needed it), reheated some leftovers from last night's dinner (fried pickles, yum!), started another load of laundry, and cleaned my bedroom's bathroom. I feel like that is probably normal for most people to do on a regular basis, but when I work 10+ hours a day, I feel like doing NOTHING when I get home... and I am proud that I got all of that done today.

Now, I am getting ready to write all of my students' names on popsicle sticks and put them in cups I wil decorate for their classes. I want to start using these sticks as a way to call on them, to make sure everyone has the opportunity to answer a question, whether they want to or not. I hope it helps. I am frustrated with work, but I want to fight to make it better. I deserve better, and the kids deserve better.

Dan is on his way home soon, and he is picking up some stuff at the grocery store on the way so we can make dinner together before we head out to whatever he has planned. I put a bottle of wine in the refrigerator to chill, and I'm excited for this dinner with him. Tomorrow I will update on what we end up doing tonight -- can't wait!


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