Friday, June 29, 2012

Classroom, Gym, and Gymnastics

Today, Dan and I got started setting up my new classroom. It was exciting seeing what all I already have and what I need to get still. And what do I still need? Nothing. Yes, that's right -- NOTHING. I have more than ever in there, and I'm so ready to get started!

This afternoon, we went to the gym on Ft. Carson, and I ran on the treadmill while Dan lifted, and then he did some weird pull-up things while I did my ab workout, and then he helped me with some specific lifts that I want to start doing. I'm feeling good! :)

Tonight was the first night of the Olympic trials for women's gymnastics, and after watching it, I am absolutely STOKED for the London Olympics in just about one month! I love watching, and there is some excellent talent on the (future) US team!!!

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