Saturday, March 10, 2012

I Run Because...

This morning, I wasn't feeling very motivated. I did NOT want to get out of bed, but I eventually made myself do that. The LAST thing I wanted to do was to go for a run. Because I knew I just needed a little motivation, I searched online for ways to motivate myself. I found a LOT of good stuff, and I put some of it into practice today. One website suggested that runners should write down the reasons why they run. They should then tape that list wherever they know they will see it often, like on their refrigerator, on their desk at work, on the dashboard in their car... I haven't taped mine anywhere because I just made my list. I wanted to share it publicly as a reminder for myself.


It gives me self confidence.
It helps me reach my goals.
I want to look good for Dan.
I want to feel good for myself.
I want to live longer than my father.
I want to be healthy.
Runner’s High is the best feeling in the world.

In other news, I highly recommend going grocery shopping after a good run. (Yes, after I looked up motivational strategies online, I found my inner will-power and ran my fourth practice 5K this week. It was tough, but it felt good to finish. I feel proud of myself, and that's all that matters.) After my run, I headed straight to the grocery store. I bought all of the same healthy and yummy things that I always do, but instead of filling my basket with the other junk I also wanted, I went to the check-out feeling GOOD about what I was purchasing. 

Here's my loot for the week:

I also came across this picture while I was browsing Pinterest, and I couldn't help but laugh. This is so true, and it's a good reminder that a big butt isn't always a bad thing. ;)

I have been able to cross many items off of my to-do list today, but I still have several things to do. For instance, I need to go through my closet and pick out some clothes to donate. I am going to put everything in a bag that I haven't worn in a year or more. I hate getting rid of things (it's the little bit of hoarder in me), but I know it's necessary to open up some space. 

Also, GO MIZZOU! They are playing Baylor in the Big 12 Championship Game in Kansas City, MO (represent!) right now... let's go Tigers! 

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